The language below is provided to inspire government proclamations (state, local, and higher) and messages of recognition from a range of organizations, e.g., educational institutions, cultural organizations, and civil rights groups. These can be anywhere: online, on social media, and in print. Every organization making a positive contribution to civic life can recognize some of what it hopes to achieve in James Baldwin and is, indeed, arguably already part of his legacy. The text below is an example. Add to it or modify as necessary. E.g., organizations may want to add the name of their organization to the statement.
We hereby recognize 2024 as the James Baldwin Centennial in honor of James Arthur Baldwin, American writer and civil rights advocate born on August 2, 1924. We honor Baldwin, who in his work and in his life asked America and its people to live out their finest ideals. We honor Baldwin because he helped Black people, queer people, the marginalized, the ignored, the lonely, those who needed to be seen and see in that reflection love: He helped everyone. We honor Baldwin because there are few better examples of citizenship, of neighborliness, of humanity demanding and inspiring full expression. We are better because of his example.
We hereby recognize 2024 as the James Baldwin Centennial in honor of James Arthur Baldwin, American writer and civil rights advocate born on August 2, 1924. We honor Baldwin, who in his work and in his life asked America and its people to live out their finest ideals. We honor Baldwin because he helped Black people, queer people, the marginalized, the ignored, the lonely, those who needed to be seen and see in that reflection love: He helped everyone. We honor Baldwin because there are few better examples of citizenship, of neighborliness, of humanity demanding and inspiring full expression. We are better because of his example.